Ray Turner was a pianist whose brilliant work at the keyboard was heard and admired by perhaps more people than any other pianist in history. But even the most committed music-lover may say, “Ray Turner, who’s he? I’ve never heard of him.” There’s a reason why. Ray Turner played the …
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Does music matter to your children and grandchildren? This is a question that should be asked by every parent and grandparent as good music can play an essential role in their lives. Music can inspire us. It can affect our emotional well-being. In school, it can improve one’s vocabulary, language …
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Once upon a time, not so very long ago, there were subjects devoid of controversy. We often joked that motherhood, the flag, and apple pie were immune to criticism. Of course, everyone stood for the National Anthem. Sadly, this is no longer the case. Motherhood …
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In every field of human endeavor, awards and prizes are often the yardsticks by which we measure success and achievement. Inserting “Nobel Laureate,” “Academy Award winner,” or “Pulitzer Prize-winning,” before an individual’s name brings prestige and credibility to the person so honored. But over a period of years, …
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You may be tempted to shout, “Of course not!” But think again. Beethoven was a popular 1992 film about a giant St. Bernard that was named after the legendary composer. The film found such a large audience that a sequel was produced and titled Beethoven’s 2nd. If your children …
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Dr. Miklos Rozsa, renowned Hungarian composer of music for films and the concert hall expressed his musical beliefs in his memoir, “Double Life.” He said, “I have no time for any music which does not reflect pleasure in life, and more importantly, pride in life.” His music, like his life, reflected great …
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Bernard Herrmann was an eminent composer of symphonic, operatic, and film music. He rejected all fads and fashions to pursue a musical ideal. At a time when many of his colleagues were tripping over their own feet in an effort to keep up with the latest trends in commercial music, …
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